The heat tariff is higher → The amount of the grant will also increase
In the ALTUM energy efficiency program for apartment houses the amount of the grant depends on the heat energy tariff. With the increase of the Salaspils tariff from February 1, the amount of the grant will increase accordingly, amounting to 50% of the total eligible costs of the project.
The co-financing of Salaspils municipality is x2 higher → 30 000 euros
In order to encourage apartment owners to become more involved in the insulation of their apartment buildings, Salaspils municipality’s grant is one of the largest co-financing in the country.
I want my house to be renovated → What to do?
1) Contact your house manager
2) House manager contacts Ltd. Salaspils Siltums
Salaspils municipality delegated Salaspils Siltums to help residents in all stages of renovation - from the preparation of technical documentation to the commissioning of the house.
In Salaspils, 5 renovated buildings have already been commissioned. Salaspils Siltums also participates in 7 building renovation processes.
To enjoy all the benefits of renovation next season, please contact us now. Write to or call: +371 29227651.
Renovating a home provides several benefits
- Lower heating bills
- Beautiful and warm house
- Comfort temperature regulation and maintenance in apartments
- Improved technical condition of the building
- Extended lifespan of a house