Ltd. Salaspils Siltums has completed the hydraulic test for the third stage in the Skolas-Enerģētiķu-Griezes street area.

On the afternoon of July 7, the maintenance companies have been granted the permission to connect the heating units and restore the hot water supply in the buildings to the following addresses:

  • Nometņu 38;
  • Griezes 17, 19;
  • Smilšu 1;
  • Skolas 1; 3; 5/1; 6, 7, 8, 9, 9/2, 10, 10/2, 11/1, 11/2, 12, 13, 13/2, 15 un 17;
  • Enerģētiķu 4, 6;
  • Rudzu 2.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for understanding!