In order to prepare for the next heating season and to detect possible damage sites in the heating networks, this summer Ltd. Salaspils Siltums is performing hydraulic tests for heating networks in several stages.
The first stage where hydraulic tests were performed was the Daugavas-Maskavas-Kalnu street area. The second stage where the hydraulic tests were performed, was in the area of Celtnieku-Enerģētiķu-Skolas street. These tests were completed sooner than planned.
The third stage, during which a hydraulic test will be performed in the period from July 6 to July 7, is in the area of Skolas-Enerģētiķu-Griezes streets. Hot water will not be available at the following users:
- Nometņu 38;
- Griezes 17, 19;
- Smilšu 1;
- Skolas 1; 3; 5/1; 6, 7, 8, 9, 9/2, 10, 10/2,11/1,11/2, 12, 13, 13/2, 15, 17;
- Enerģētiķu 4, 6;
- Rudzu 2.
Hydraulic tests are the most effective method of ensuring the safety of heating networks, thus reducing the number of possible heating network accidents during the heating season.
The hydraulic test is based on a significant increase of pressure in the heating networks, which can lead to the rupture of the heating networks in weaker places. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the population, the supply of hot water to the above-mentioned addresses will be interrupted on July 6 at 9:00. That way water temperature will be reduced to 40 degrees in the heating mains.
It is planned to restore the hot water supply on July 7, except for those places where damage will be found, and it will not be possible to restore the hot water supply until the damage is repaired.
Ltd. “Salaspils Siltums” invites residents to immediately report about any water leaks in the heating networks (green water) observed during the hydraulic tests by calling the phone number 29166204.
Topical information on the course of the hydraulic test will be available on the website of Salaspils Siltums, as well as by calling the phone number 67944930.
Ltd. Salaspils Siltums apologizes for the inconvenience and invites you to be understanding about the temporary hot water shutdown!